Micheal Vierling was a Wildcats coach, mentor, father and husband who passed away on August 7, 2022. Anyone that knew Mike, also knew that he was a proud football coach and loved Wildcats Football.
In honour of his legacy, Cornwall Wildcats Football Club is pleased to create the Micheal Vierling Memorial Bursary. Each spring, this $1,000.00 bursary is awarded to a deserving Wildcats player. The bursary is presented to the winner at the annual Lions Club Sports Award, which is held each May.
We post on our website and Wildcats social media when applications will be accepted. Applications will be accepted from April 1st to May 1st each year.
– Current or former Wildcats player
– Attending post secondary studies
– Been a volunteer or coach in our program

Coach Mike Vierling & his son Porter
2019 after Wildcats Mosquito squad wins NCAFA B Cup