1. REFILLABLE water bottles only at practice and games.
2. Rosters are still being completed. But payment for registration fees is now due. Please pay by debit, cash or etransfer. Payment is due by week 1 games. See us at practices. $330.00 is the cost.
3. We will be providing game socks when they arrive.
4. Be loud and proud at games. Please be respectful of opponents and referees.
5. Ottawa RedBlacks tickets for Wildcats Day on Saturday September 21st are selling fast. Don’t delay, we will sell out.
6. We ALWAYS need game day volunteers at home. Please see us to lend us a hand!
7. There is far to much garbage left at Joe St Denis Field after practices. Please take pride in our home and help clean things up.
8. Please don’t forget to submit your athletes ID (proof of age) and signed forms.